Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why Adult Orthodontist Treatment is Different

One reason orthodontic treatment for adults is different is that, when you are older, it is harder to enlarge your mouth to get all of your teeth to fit.

When you are growing, your jaw is more flexible and the orthodontist can stretch your mouth so everything fits.

However, after you finish growing, your jaw hardens and it becomes difficult for an orthodontist to stretch it.

While you can have your jaw enlarged surgically, most adults opt to have their teeth straightened without this step.

This may mean you need to have some teeth removed to make everything fit. This may not have been necessary if the treatment had been done when you were still growing.

However, there are many benefits in having orthodontic treatment at any age.

In adult life, it can help your digestion and your general health as well as preventing dental problems.

The main difference is that orthodontic treatment when you are older can be a bit slower and even slightly more painful than for younger patients.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Pros and Cons of Hidden Braces

While regular metal braces with an arch wire and elastics are still the most common, some people opt for a different approach.

One option is lingual or "hidden" braces which are fixed to the inside of the teeth.

They still use brackets and wires, but those brackets and wires cannot generally be seen by others.

Rather than having brackets bonded to the teeth and wires attached with elastic, lingual braces have brackets built for each tooth.

The brackets are fixed to each tooth with cement and then the arch wire is threaded through the brackets.

Pros of Lingual Braces
They look better than regular braces
They work as effectively as regular braces
Food caught in them is not usually visible to others
May be more stable than other options

Cons of Lingual Braces
They can take longer to get used to
The way you talk may be affected, especially at first
Caring for them is more difficult
Cleaning takes longer
They can be more expensive as they have to be custom made and installation is more complex

Muench Orthodontics
301 N Main St Vestal, NY 13850
(607) 953-6414